Sunday, May 1, 2011

CSA Week 2

Okay, I tried to do a little better with this week's CSA photography. A LITTLE bit.

This week: more beautiful (and slightly blurry) salad greens,
shiitake mushrooms (yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!),
green onions,
and arugula! Yes! I LOVE arugula!!!
On the menu this week: not totally sure yet, but I will probably make some arugula pesto and lots of salads with sauteed shiitakes. Deliciousness!

How has everyone's weekend been? My mom came for a very quick visit to see my orchestra concert last night, which went very well. Her car battery died on the way here, north of Indy, and she had to wait for AAA to come with a new battery, which delayed her trip a bit. So all in all, she was here less than 24 hours. But we had a fun time, and a good concert, and a tasty brunch this morning, and that's about it!

Now, it's raining again (surprise, surprise) and Matt and I are relaxing. I have to work out at some point today, but I'm going to put it off a bit longer until brunch has more time to settle in my tummy. :)

How are YOU?

1 comment:

Lucy Marie said...

Your CSA share looks so yummy. I want to eat all of that goodness. Makes me so excited for my garden.