Hello, lover. I'm proud to announce that Matt and I will soon be the proud parents of a Dyson DC25 Animal Ball Vacuum. Sniff. Isn't she gorgeous?
Now, I know what you're thinking. Shaina, you've completely gone off the deep end! Excited about a VACUUM? Talk about domesticity!
But seriously - this thing's amazing. As it should be, for $549! Don't worry - thanks to my trusty Bed Bath & Beyond 20% off coupon and several hundred dollars worth of store credit and gift cards, it only cost us a mere $70. Clearly, it will be the best $70 we have ever spent.
For some annoying and frustrating reason, BB&B does not have this vacuum in stores. Of course, they have it at Target. And Sears. And Best Buy. Very frustrating! Matt and I went tonight for the gazillionth time to see if it had arrived in the store. It had not, but a lovely sales associate ordered one for us on the spot, coupon and all! It should arrive to Matt's parents' house sometime around Christmas. We are thrilled! Well, okay, I can't lie. I'M thrilled. Matt doesn't have all that much to say about a vacuum, but I'm pretty sure he'll fall in love all over again when he flips that switch.
And the next time you come visit - there will be NO OSCAR HAIR carpeting the apartment! Joy!
1 comment:
I love Dyson Dc25 very much. It can help me clean my room faster.
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