Saturday, September 6, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Nobody ever said it was easy, that's for sure.  Matt and I leave on Tuesday for our new home in Bloomington, Indiana.  As we look forward to so many wonderful new things, we have had to say goodbye to some very good friends here in DC.  Yesterday was my last day of work; we both celebrated and mourned this by the most fabulous going-away happy hour in the world.  Saying goodbye to my fantastic coworkers - who are so much more to me than coworkers - brought tears to my eyes.  Literally.  I cried.  And then I cried again a little later, and again this morning, thinking about how I won't get to see them for awhile.

The silver lining, of course, is that I will hopefully see most of them at our wedding, which is only two months away!  Can you believe it?  

Today has been a dreary day, as Hurricane Hanna hits the east coast.  It has been pouring rain ever since I woke up this morning.  I cannot understand how it's still raining.  I guess I feel a little sad about these transitions, despite them being so positive.  

To all my friends in DC - you will be sorely missed.  Don't forget about me!

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