Saturday, July 31, 2010

Watermelon Gazpacho

Despite the fact that Lucy thinks that soup should only be hot, I completely disagree and have been known to enjoy many cold soups. A couple of months ago, I came across this amazing recipe for watermelon gazpacho. I was intrigued, and I must admit that it sounded amazing. There was a big watermelon in my CSA share last week, and another one this week, so I decided I finally had enough watermelon to make it! I altered the original recipe a bit (of course ... don't I always?) since I didn't have all the ingredients and also, I don't really like cilantro.

3 cups of seeded watermelon blended
2 cups of watermelon diced
2 medium tomatoes, seeded and diced
2 cups of seeded and peeled cucumber, diced (I didn't seed the cucumbers and somehow, I survived)
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 tsp minced ginger (totally forgot to put this in!)
1/2 a seeded and minced jalapeno, if you like spicy (I left this out, although I know it would have been tasty!)
handful of fresh cilantro leaves (I didn't use them)
juice from one lime (I also didn't use this ... forgot to get a lime!)
lime peel from one lime (ditto)
salt and pepper

Just mix everything together and chill in the fridge. Serves 4-5 ... or 1, over a course of many days. :)

So ... my watermelon gazpacho was pretty basic, since I didn't put in any of the fun stuff - I left out cilantro and jalapeno and forgot the ginger and lime stuff. Oh well. I did add some very finely diced onion, and I really felt like that intensified the flavor.

The verdict? AMAZING. I had a bowl of it right when I made it, then threw the rest in the fridge. Aaaand I just had another bowl. It is such a great, crisp, cool, refreshing summer treat! And OH so healthy. Plus it looks pretty! See?
I am really sorry I keep forgetting to take photos of my CSA shares. I suck. This week, I got ... a watermelon, peaches, tomatoes, potatoes, a cucumber, and some goat cheese. And this morning, Kyle and I went to the farmer's market and I picked up some onions, leeks, and more cucumbers. And - an entire chicken! It has been roasting in the slow cooker all day with some onion, potatoes, and fresh sage from my little herb garden. It smells AMAZING and it may not be done until around 10pm, but I will be eating delicious roasted chicken for the rest of the week!

Tomorrow, I am off to Holiday World with some of my SILs and their kids. I am so excited! I haven't been to an amusement park of any kind in YEARS, and this one has a huge water park. Yay for a day being a kid! I hope y'all have a wonderful rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Its beautiful! Such a fun summer treat.