I mean, how adorable is that? When we're married, I can stamp that baby on the back flap of all the envelopes and it will be sooo adorable. Maybe in a little gold ink? Or something else fall-y and earth-y. We shall see.
So anyway, the first note is done. I can't imagine writing note after note after note. I was so nervous about this one sounding stupid that I wrote it out ahead of time in a notebook. How nerdy is that? Oh well, at least that I way I got to figure out what I wanted to say ahead of time without any cross-outs. Because a cross-out would have been pretty crappy looking.
Also enjoyable was updating my "wedding gift" list on my Martha Stewart Weddings guest list took page thingy. If anyone out there reading this is getting married, immediately drop what you're doing and go to the Martha Stewart Weddings website. Start using her wedding tools! They are absolutely amazing. I have my entire guest list there, plus you can even play around with floorplans for the reception. It's pretty awesome. So, that's my plug for the day!
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