Saturday, July 12, 2008

Gocco Fever

I've gotta fever...and the only prescription is a Gocco.  I have only recently come across the wondrous Gocco, and to be honest, I still don't completely understand exactly what it is, or how it works.  All I know is's amazing.  Exhibit A, to the left, is a very confusing photo of the Print Gocco, and it's assorted pieces, inks, screens, etc.  What I have figured out - after hours of research (blogs, wikipedia, ebay, etc) is that the glorious Gocco is a tiny little screen printer!  You can make your own little screen prints - right at home!  Or, on the go!  Really, anywhere!  It involves a complicated process of using super duper light bulbs that burn your image onto a screen, and then somehow you slather some ink onto the screen (I think?  This is a little hazy) and then close it down onto your card, and...voila!  You have your print!  
This most likely sounds very confusing, but can I please draw your attention to Exhibit B, a huge collection of someone's holiday cards that they were able to mass produce using their trusty Gocco.  Is anyone as amazed by this as I am?  I have read about brides designing and printing their own wedding invitation suites on their Goccos.  I have clearly missed the boat on this, seeing as how I don't even own one.  The kicker?  They are manufactured in Japan, by a company that apparently has stopped making them.  I found them for sale on the Paper Source website, but are currently out of stock...also several up for bids on Ebay.  I want, I need, I've got to have one of these.  Once I figure out how to use the darn thing.

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