Thursday, February 5, 2009

100th Post Excitement!!!!

Can you believe that this is my 100th post? Me either. This blog started out as "Nearly Smith," and chronicled my fun - and often not very fun - wedding planning adventures as I readied myself to become Mrs. Smith. Now that the wedding is over, I changed the name to "Post Smith" to talk about whatever I want! I've been having a lot of fun blogging over the past couple of months, and I'm loving reading all of your blogs! In fact...I currently have 148 subscriptions on my Google Reader. And yet somehow I still get caught up and wait for the next post, impatiently. I guess that means I just need to add more blogs...because I hate the waiting!

In other excitement, I got my first follower today! Hi Lindsey! I love your blog too! Thanks for the support. :)

In my first 100 posts...I did a lot of shopping, moved from Washington DC (okay, actually it was Alexandria, VA) to Bloomington, IN, had a bridal shower in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, went to South Beach for my bachelorette weekend, had another bridal shower in Bedford, Indiana, got married in Rochester, Michigan and then went on a weeklong honeymoon in Manual Antonio, Costa Rica. Post wedding, I spent Thanksgiving with the inlaws in Bedford, spent Christmas with my parents in Pleasant Ridge, Michigan, and spent New Years in Norman, Oklahoma.

Let's see what the next 100 posts bring!


jenn said...

i always forget to follow blogs. i put them in my reader and then...forget. here's to your 2nd follower! :)

Shaina said...
